Francoline Adventure

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11 Days Tanzania Cultural Safari

Safari Overview

This will take to explore bush two tribes  and also a safari to Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Serengeti & Ngorongoro

Detailed Safari Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival Kilimanjaro – Arusha

Upon arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, you will warmly be met by our representative and transfer you to your place of stay in Arusha for dinner and an overnight.

Day 2: Game viewing in Arusha National Park


In the morning after breakfast, with a picnic lunch, you will visit the Arusha National Park for wildlife viewing. Your safari adventure starts here! Arusha National Park is one of the best in Tanzania with unrivaled views from every angle and many opportunities to see animals and hike through the African desert! Here you have a great opportunity to simultaneously see Mount Kilimanjaro and Meru, as well as Lake Momela and the impressive Ngurdoto crater. The aerial stunts of the rare black and white giant monkeys are sure to let you down! Dinner and overnight in Arusha.


Day 3: Arusha – Tarangire, Game viewing in Tarangire

Drive to Tarangire National Park for lunch, in the afternoon game viewing in the Park. Tarangire is the third largest national park in Tanzania and best known for its largest herds of elephants in Africa and one of the most remaining ancient trees in the world with full of amazing stories, the gigantic Baobab Trees! Here you will be able to observe a diversity of wildlife magnetized by the Tarangire River that allows animals to play and lounge around.Dinner and overnight stay in Tarangire.

Day 4: Game viewing in Tarangire National Park

Embark on a full day game drive in Tarangire National Park. The Park is the wilderness experience in its own right! Tarangire is much more wooded than Serengeti with Acacia Trees and mixed woodland dotting the African Savannah of the Park. Herds of up to 300 elephants scratch the dry river bed for underground streams, while the migratory Wildebeests, Zebras, Buffalos, Impalas, Gazelles, Hartebeests and Elands crowds the shrinking lagoons. It is also the one place in Tanzania where dry – country antelopes such as the stately Fringe – eared Oryx and peculiar spiral – horned Lesser Kudus can readily be observed. Dinner and an overnight stay in Tarangire.

Day 5: Tarangire – Lake Manyara, Game viewing in Lake Manyara

After breakfast, drive to the foothills of the Ngorongoro Crater Highlands, en route visit Lake Manyara National Park. Lake Manyara NP is a lovely scenic park that offers another unique experience of a Tanzania Safari!  The park is also famous for its elephants; huge number of baboons and due to its varied landscape, the park has an impressive range of other game animals including wildebeest, buffalo, hippo, flamingo, zebra, warthog, waterbuck, dik-dik and impala.  Bird – Watching here is very good, especially raptors. Along the way you will stop and discover the local village of MtowaMbu to experience the real African life, the local market and enjoy the exceptional hospitality of the local people. After a home – hosted local lunch, you will drive up across the Great East African Rift Valley to your other beautiful place of stay on the foothills of Ngorongoro.

Day 6: Lake Eyasi – Visit Hadzabe&Datoga, Iraqwi Tribe

Rise up early in the morning and drive to Lake Eyasi area to for another lifetime experience. On arrival you will join the Hazda people in their hunting and collecting roots, tubers, fruits, et cetera for their livelihood. Hadza people are a very small group of an indigenous ethnicity, genetically not closely related to any other people and traditionally classified with the Khoisan languages of Southern Africa because of the click tongue.  They are hunters and gatherers and thought to have lived in these areas for tens of thousands of years.

After a wonderful experience with the Hadza people, you will be introduced to yet another fascinating tribe called Datoga – these are the pastoral communities, Nilotic in descendants and the blacksmith tribe in the area. Almost all the metal products such as spears, arrows, bangles, et cetera, you see with other tribes around including the Maasai people, are made by these people. After lunch, you will drive back to your hotel for relaxation before visiting the last tribe for the day, Iraqwi People. These are ancient Cushitic people who moved here from the “Horn of Africa” nearly 1’000 years ago and they practice farming in the area. Dinner and overnight stay on the foothills of Ngorongoro.

Day 7: Ngorongoro – Serengeti

Today you drive to Serengeti National Park for lunch and an afternoon game drive. Serengeti is Tanzania’s most renowned national park and a home to the greatest concentrations of large mammals on the planet. The name Serengeti is derived from a Maasai word ‘Siringet’ to mean ‘endless plains’, and these rolling distances of short grass plains provide an exceptional landscape for wildlife viewing; your ultimate safari country– this is the highlight of your safari, you are in the total wilderness of Africa with game viewing around you to give you, your very own ‘Out of Africa’ experience! Dinner and overnight stay in Serengeti.

Day 8: Game viewing in Serengeti National Park

The following day you will have game drives at your leisure and track wildlife in the Mighty Serengeti. Serengeti National Park never disappoints! The location of the camp is chosen to ensure you see the best of the wildlife in Africa. In this area you will be so amazed by the endless plains of the Serengeti dotted with thousands and thousands of game animals decorating the plains and the woodland pockets of the Park! Dinner and overnight stay in the Serengeti.

Day 9: Serengeti – Ngorongoro

With picnic lunch, en route game drives to Ngorongoro Conservation Area via Oldupai Gorge. Oldupai Gorge is one of the most important prehistoric and archaeological sites on Earth where Dr. Louis and Mary Leakey made discoveries on human origins, “The Cradle of Mankind”. After viewing the gorge and listening to an incredible interpretive presentation and a visit to a Maasai Village, you will carry on with your journey and arrive in Ngorongoro for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 10: Game viewing in Ngorongoro Crater

Rise up early in the morning and descend down into the famous Ngorongoro Crater for game viewing. Ngorongoro Crater is such a unique safari destination, a veritable “Garden of Eden”. With a large concentration of animals and short grasslands, game viewing in the crater or more appropriately a caldera, is excellent as animals are everywhere! The caldera is reputed to contain the highest density of carnivores in the world. Dinner and an overnight stay in Ngorongoro.

Day 11: Ngorongoro – Arusha

Today you will be driving back to Arusha for lunch and a day room. Later in the afternoon, you will be transferred to Kilimanjaro Airport for an International Flight.

Safari Includes

  • All meals and accommodations during the entire safari
  • A very high quality safari land cruiser with pop up roof
  • A highly experienced English speaking safari guide
  • Unlimited mineral water during the entire safari
  • Kilimanjaro tea/coffee during game drive
  • All park fees for all the national parks
  • Transfers on arrival and departure
  • All cultural activities (Maasai village visit)
  • Flying Doctors – Emergence air rescue from any point of the safari circuit

Safari Excludes

  • Visa
  • International flights
  • Drinks at the lodges
  • Any other things not mentioned above