Francoline Adventure

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13 Days Safari

Kenya & Tanzania Safari

Safari Overview

An Africa safari touches something deep within all of us, for it is an experience that will never be forgotten. The following safari combines intriguing cultures, beautiful landscapes and an excellent opportunity for spotting the Big-5. Visiting a selection of the most famous parks in Kenya and Tanzania, Pick up Point: Nairobi Airport Drop off Point: Intercontinental Hotel/airport

Detailed Safari Itinerary

Day 1

Upon arrival into Nairobi, clients will be met and transferred to their hotel where you will spend the night on a bed and breakfast basis (Check in time 14:00). Depending on time of arrival clients may choose to add an optional excursion.

Day 2

Leaving Nairobi after breakfast, approx. 07:30, you travel towards Kenya’s fertile highlands and head down the rift escarpment on the road built by Italian prisoners of war during World War II. On the way spot the charming chapel built at the foot of the escarpment. Pass the impressive Longonot earth satellite station as you head across the valley to Narok; continue your travels across acres of wheat and barley, before reaching the Masai Mara in time for lunch. Following lunch set off on your first game drive, returning to the lodge as the sun sets. Dinner and overnight Mara camp or lodge. Drive time approx: 3-5.5 hours

Day 3

Following an early breakfast, depart on a morning game drive, returning to the camp mid-morning. After lunch, and perhaps a siesta, set off on another game drive and visit to the Masai Village, returning to the lodge as the sunsets for your dinner and overnight

Day 4

Leaving the Masai Mara after breakfast, travel across the ‘breadbasket’ of Kenya, where acres of wheat and barley litter the landscape as you head north to Narok, the district headquarters of this part of Maasailand. Now travel across the vast plains on the floor of the Rift Valley, keeping an eye out for herds of giraffe and gazelle as you head up the Mai -Mahiu, before arriving at Lake Nakuru/Lake Elementaita around midday. Once in the park/conservancy, view game en route to the lodge. Following lunch and a siesta, there is an afternoon game drive returning to the lodge as the sun sets. The national park, known for its birdlife, offers a possibility to view flamingoes. It is also home to Black and White rhinos as well as the endangered Rothschild Giraffe ‘Dinner and overnight Lake Nakuru or Elementaita. Drive time approx: 3-5 hours, dependent on accommodation

Day 5

Following an early breakfast, leaving the Rift Valley behind, proceed to Nairobi for an early lunch (or picnic lunch dependent on road conditions) and continue south towards Amboseli, arriving at your lodge by late afternoon. Dinner and overnight Camp or lodge on full board basis. Drive time approx: 7 hours, dependent on accommodation

Day 6

Morning and afternoon game drives in Amboseli, returning to the lodge as the sun sets. Dinner and overnight Camp or lodge on full board basis

Day 7

After breakfast, you continue the journey to the Tanzania border post and then on to Arusha for lunch. After lunch you depart Arusha and pass through the Maasai Steppe filled with many picturesque African villages as well as maize, coffee and banana plantations. At the town of Makuyuni you turn North West and continue the journey up through a scenic escarpment that brings you to your lodge continue the journey through a scenic escarpment that brings you to your lodge where you will take dinner and spend the night. Drive time approx: 4 hours, dependent on accommodation

Day 8

After breakfast there is a game drive in Lake Manyara National Park that returns to the lodge for lunch. Leaving Lake Manyara behind, the journey continues North West across the stunning hilly countryside of the highlands which is filled with wheat and coffee plantations, and then into the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. From here lie the vast plains of the Serengeti, where you begin spotting wildlife as you approach the entrance gate. Complete the formalities and enter the park with game viewing enroute to your camp or lodge where you will take dinner and spend the night. Drive time approx: 3.5 hours, dependent on accommodation The Serengeti National Park offers not only all the members of ‘The Big Five’ (elephant, rhino, lion, leopard and buffalo), but also the annual ‘migration’ of over one million wildebeest and their attendant cast of predators

Day 9

Morning and afternoon game drives in Serengeti National Park. Overnight camp/lodge on full board basis

Day 10

After breakfast you depart for Ngorongoro with a picnic lunch viewing game across the vast Serengeti plains, stopping en route for a picnic lunch. Continue to your camp/lodge where you will take dinner and spend the night. Drive time approx: 3 hours, dependent on accommodation Known as ‘The eighth wonder of the world’ the Ngorongoro Crater is one of Africa’s best-known wildlife arenas. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it offers a unique biosphere, which has remained virtually unchanged since the dawn of time. Deep within the Crater, enclosed by towering walls, some 25,000 large mammals wander the plains, lakes and forests of ‘The land that time forgot’, dominated by enormous bull elephants, rhinos and lions

Day 11

A highlight awaits you this morning as you depart to explore what is commonly referred to as the World’s largest natural wildlife arena. After breakfast, you descend with a picnic lunch through the early morning mists and 2,000 feet into the crater. Ngorongoro Crater is the World’s largest intact volcanic caldera. Due to its size and diversity, the crater floor is comprised of several distinct areas, ranging from forest, swamps, lakes and springs, to open grassland and some sandy dunes. A truly unique wildlife experience. Return to the camp/lodge in the late afternoon for your dinner and overnight

Day 12

Departing Ngorongoro Crater after breakfast and head south east en route to Lake Manyara, Mto wa Mbu village and Tarangire beyond. Through the highlands and the Karatu district, you’ll view the scenic wheat plains and coffee plantations here before journeying down the spectacular escarpment where you turn south on to the main Arusha – Dodoma road and into the park. From here to the lodge, you’ll enjoy a game drive en route. After lunch and perhaps a swim, the remainder of the afternoon will be spent on a game drive. Drive time approx: 3.5 hours.

Day 13

Depart Tarangire after breakfast and drive back to Arusha arriving in time for lunch. After lunch you continue the journey by road to Nairobi and onto a Nairobi City Centre Restaurant for dinner before drop off at Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport or city centre hotel for onward arrangements (Option: drop off Arusha local airport for flight to Zanzibar or neighbouring island for beach extension at supplement)

Safari Includes

  • All meals and accommodations during the entire safari
  • A very high quality safari land cruiser with pop up roof
  • A highly experienced English speaking safari guide
  • Unlimited mineral water during the entire safari
  • Kilimanjaro tea/coffee during game drive
  • All park fees for all the national parks
  • Transfers on arrival and departure
  • All cultural activities (Maasai village visit)
  • Flying Doctors – Emergence air rescue from any point of the safari circuit

Safari Excludes

  • Visa
  • International flights
  • Drinks at the lodges
  • Any other things not mentioned above