Francoline Adventure

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05 Days Marangu Trek

Trekking Overview

Francoline Adventure guides treks up the Marangu Route, which is the easiest and shortest route to Kilimanjaro’s summit and is known as the “Coca Cola” or “tourist” route. This is the only route on Kilimanjaro with the comforts of solar-powered sleeping huts and comfortable beds at every camp. The huts are communal, and each bunk has a sponge mattress and pillow. There are 60 beds at both Mandara and Kibo Huts and 120 beds at Horombo Hut. Bathrooms and running water are available at the two lower huts. Basic men’s and ladies’ latrines are available at the last camp. All climbing groups, often from several countries around the world, share meals in dining huts providing a jovial and energetic atmosphere. Soft drinks, bottled water, and beer may be for sale at the huts. Bring small Tanzanian bills to purchase these items (prices increase with elevation). This route is usually done in 5 days, but you can do it in 6 days for better acclimatization. You can spend your extra day resting at Horombo or climbing to a basecamp below Kibo’s sub peak Mawenzi.

Detailed Trekking Itinerary

Day 0 : Pickup to Airport

You will be picked up from airport. From there you will go to the hotel in Arusha for an orientation on your trek. Your guides will be there to provide you with details on your trek and will also check your trekking gears.
Dinner and overnight

Day 1: Marangu gate (1700m) – Mandara Hut 2740m – (5,500ft to 9,000ft) Walking Hours (3-4)

After breakfast and briefing, drive to the Marangu village and proceed to Kilimanjaro National Park Gate (3hrs from Arusha), register at Kilimanjaro National Park Authority offices and commence the climb. Walk through the rainforest to the Mandara hut located at 9,000 ft / 2,740 m. A side trip to Maundi Crater is a good way to see the surroundings including Northern Tanzania.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 2: Mandara Hut (2,740m) – Horombo Hut (3700m) – (9,000ft to 12,100ft)  Walking Hours (5-8)

In the morning around 8:30 a.m after breakfast starting trekking to Horombo hut. After about 1 hour, you will leave the glades of the rainforest and follow an ascending path on the open moorlands to the Horombo hut. The view of Kibo summit and Mawenzi are both stunning and shinning in clear days. In most cases giant lobelias and grounsels are found on your way. Horombo hut is a point were most of the climbers uses it for acclimatization whereby they spend an extra day. Spending an extra day give a wide change for successful summit the roof of Africa.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 3: Horombo Hut (3700m) – Kibo Hut (4700m) – (12,100ft to 15,400ft) Walking Hours (3-5)

In the morning after breakfast the trek will take us to the last watering point, walking onto the saddle of Kilimanjaro between the peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi. Vegetation begins with upper heartland but then disappears into desert like structure. At Kibo you will have your dinner, take a nap and at the middle of the night around 23:30 hour prepare for summit climb.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 4: Kibo Hut (4,750m/15,580ft) to Summit (5,895m/19,340ft) to Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft) Walking Hours (7-11)

Around midnight, awake for the final ascent to Uhuru Peak, the roof of Africa. The hike begins with a demanding five hour hike to Gillman’s Point on the crater rim. Although this is considered to be the easiest of the three crater ascent paths, it is still extremely difficult. The first major rest stop, William’s Point, lies at 5000 meters and is approximately a two hour hike Kibo Hut. Continue on for thirty minutes before beginning the rocky switchbacks that will continue to Gillman’s Point (5,681 meters).

The hike from Gilman’s to Uhuru Peak is a gradual climb and as far as hikes go, not very difficult. The altitude, however, makes the hike long and tiring. The crater rim hike takes approximately two hours. Upon reaching Uhuru, take photos of your guide and group at the peak before beginning the descent to Horombo Hut.

On the way down from the summit, you will see all of the magnificent views you could not see on the way up. Stop for a short break and snacks at Kibo Hut before continuing on to Horombo Hut. Reach Horombo Hut in the afternoon and enjoy your last night on the mountain.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 5: Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft) to Marangu Gate (1,800m/5,905ft)  Walking Hours (5-6)

After breakfast, finish the trek with a descent to Marangu Gate. Your last hike on Kilimanjaro is a beautiful one, passing through Kilimanjaro’s cloud forest. Watch your step during the descent, as the trail can be slippery. Our vehicles will be waiting at Marangu Gate to take you back to Arusha.
Dinner and overnight


*Park fees, (entry fee camping/hut fees & rescue fees crew fees)
*18% VAT on tour fees & services
*Three health and fresh meals
*Professional and experienced mountain Guide
*Professional and experienced cooks.
*Transportation to & from the airport
*Transportation to & from the mountain gates
*Enough number of porters for your luggage, food, water and camping equipments.
*Food , shelters and fair wages for the porters, cooks and guides
*Camping gears (sleeping tents, dining tents, tables, chairs and cooking gear)
*We provide our guides with professional first aids kits and pulse oximeters for daily updates of acclimatization progress
*Assistance with climbing permit procedure


Personal porters
*All international and domestic flights
*Tourist Visas
*Medical and Travel insurance
*Tips to mountain crew
*Mountain trekking gears e.g. walking poles (available for hire upon  request)