Francoline Adventure

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6 Days Cultural & Wildlife Safari

Safari Overview

The tour takes you to some of the most famous and spectacular wilderness areas on the northern ring of Tanzania, where the United Nations can imagine game watching. Start at Arusha National Park and hike to find some of the Big Five, and continue towards Lake Manyara, home to many birds. Hunting with them is one of the best cultural events in Africa.

Detailed Safari Itinerary

Day 1: Arusha – Lake Manyara National Park

After breakfast you will be transferred to Lake Manyara, the park is known for its over 400 bird species, primate-filled forests, and grassy plains. A large area of the park is covered by the alkaline Lake, the seasonal breeding grounds for large colonies of water birds, the forest around the gate is a good nesting area for pelicans, herons, and marabou stork, The park is also home to giraffes, hippos, wildebeests, impalas and groups of noisy monkeys and baboons, but the area is famous for its tree-climbing lions. You will have your sumptuous lunch on one of the picnic sites and an afternoon drive to the Camping area. Dinner and overnight at Nsya campsite.

Day 2: Manyara area–Serengeti national park

Following breakfast transfer to Lake Manyara National Park. There is a profusion of wildlife in this small national park, and the amazing bird watching experience will certainly be rewarding to both a devote and first-time bird watcher. It is as well among the few places on the African continent to see the tree-climbing lions that will be your main quest for the day. Manyara in addition prides in a large flock of beautiful pink flamingoes found near the lake. You will have lunch at picnic site.

Day 3: Full day Serengeti National Park

Today will be the “Serengeti game viewing day”. After early breakfast this morning, depart the Camp at 06:30 am, ready for full day game drive, enjoy an amazing game drive. The great diversity of Serengeti wildlife is evident here—look for buffalo, hippopotamus, elephant, giraffe, antelope, Thompson’s and Grant’s gazelle, and lions. If you are there during the spectacular wildebeest migration, you will be more than astonished. In the late afternoon we venture out in another game drive. Everywhere there are animals, monkeys and, yes, birds…but look closely and you will be thrilled to see the huge jungle cats—lion, leopard and cheetah—watching the world go by. And go by it does, gazelle, antelope and mobs of elephants by the hundreds. Animals in the trees, flying, camouflaged in the bush, in rivers and in streams. This is the adventure of a lifetime!

Nothing is evident when you set out in the open with your guide for a nice cold gin and tonic in these majestic plains while the sun is sinking in the far horizon.

Day 4: Serengeti National Park — Ngorongoro Conservation Area

After breakfast we will have more morning drive in the outer part of central Serengeti trying to look for more cats and hunting predators. The plains have kopjes which offer good places for Lions and Leopards to breed while the valleys offer great wallowing and drinking areas for big herds of Elephants, buffaloes and warthogs, after return to the camp for brunch and proceed to Ngorongoro with game drive en route.

Dinner and overnight Simba campsite.

Day 5: Ngorongoro crater – Lake Eyasi area

After an early breakfast descend down to the crater one of the places with big concentration of big mammals in the world, the endangered rhino recedes here and maybe one of the places to see the black mane lion, other sighting may include elephants, hippo, wildebeest, zebra and big clans of hyena. Enjoy your picinic lunch at the Ngoitokitok pool with hippos at the background the followe by another drve on your way out and and proceed to Eyasi for. Dinner and overnight Eyasi campsite.

Day 6: LAKE EYASI – Arusha

After breakfast, a true African experience awaits. You will visit the Hadzabe, an ethnic minority and one of Tanzania’s last hunter-gatherer tribes. They have managed to maintain their traditional lifestyle until this day in this dry and mostly barren area. Thereafter you will pay a visit to the pastoral nomads and herdsmen, known as the Datoga tribe. The experience is completed with a stop at the blacksmiths where you will witness craftsmen in rather rudimentary working conditions. After this interactive cultural experience you will then drive back to Arusha and we will drop you at Kilimanjaro International Airport for your departure flight, or Arusha at Hotel of your stay.

Safari Includes

  • All meals and accommodations during the entire safari
  • A very high quality safari land cruiser with pop up roof
  • A highly experienced English speaking safari guide
  • Unlimited mineral water during the entire safari
  • Kilimanjaro tea/coffee during game drive
  • All park fees for all the national parks
  • Transfers on arrival and departure
  • All cultural activities (Maasai village visit)
  • Flying Doctors – Emergence air rescue from any point of the safari circuit

Safari Excludes

  • Visa
  • International flights
  • Drinks at the lodges
  • Any other things not mentioned above