Francoline Adventure

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08 Days MID-RANGE Tanzania, Kenya Luxury Safari

Masai Mara NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti NP

Safari Overview

This 8 Day Wonders of Kenya & Tanzania Safari, Mid-Range tour includes 8 days of an authentic expedition crossing Kenya and Tanzania – the iconic Maasai Mara, Serengeti and Ngorongoro. This tour starts in Nairobi and ends in Arusha and can be tailor made. Depending on the Great Migration location, we can concentrate the tour in Mara or The Serengeti.

Detailed Safari Itinerary

Day 1 Maasai Mara National Reserve

An early morning drive to Maasai Mara National Reserve. It holds on as one of the few places left on earth where wildlife still lives comparatively undisturbed, in the numbers that once roamed the plains and forests of Africa. As the northern tip of the vast Serengeti ecosystem, the Mara hosts the spectacular seasonal migration of many thousands of Wildebeest, Zebras and attendant predators. Arrive in time for lunch followed by an afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at campsite or lodge.

Day 2&3 Maasai Mara National Park

After breakfast, we have a full day game drive with packed lunch provided. The reserve is well known for its black-manned lion as well as its abundant resident wildlife and its one of the few places where it’s possible to see the big five during a morning’s game drive. Many of the cheetahs are so tame they seek shelter from the hot sun under one’s vehicle and several even climb onto the roof to get better view of prospective prey.

For the bird enthusiast, almost 500 species have been recorded: among these 16 species of eagle, plus many hawks and falcons, 6 species of vultures, 8 species of storks, 4 of bustard (including the Kori bustard, the world’s heaviest flying bird), and 9 species of sun birds. Dinner and overnight at campsite or lodge.

Day 4 Maasai Mara to Serengeti

Morning game drive in Maasai Mara, We will initiate the day with an early morning game drive in Maasai Mara while driving out of the National reserve. After border formalities, drive to the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. On the way, option to stop at the famous Olduvai Gorge, where Dr. Louis and Mary Leakey made their discovery of the first man that walked the earth. After attending, a short lecture describing the archeological digs and geology of the gorge, you’ll have time to visit the small museum. It will be a long day of driving but the game drives in and out of the parks can be surprisingly incredible.

Dinner and overnight at campsite or lodge

Day 5&6 Serengeti National Park

Two full days in the Serengeti with flexible schedule and unlimited mileage.

As you crest the hillside, spread out before you, as far as the eyes can see, is the vast Serengeti. Serengeti mean “endless plains” in Kiswahili and this 6,900 sq. mile (18,000 sq. km) park is inhabited by more than 2 million large animals including more than a million wildebeest, hundreds of thousands of plains zebras, and Thomson’s gazelles. Large predators including lions, cheetahs, and hyenas are drawn to the area by this abundance of prey which migrate throughout the park. Many smaller animals like rock hyrax, bat eared foxes, mongoose, honey badger, jackals, monkeys, baboons and African hares also inhabit the area along with nearly 500 species of birds. Afternoon game drive en-route to campsite.

Dinner and overnight at public campsite or private tented camp / lodge.

Day 7 Serengeti National Park to Ngorongoro Crater

On this day we suggest a very early wake up in order to do an early morning game drive (when the animals are more active) and see one of the best sunrises you’ll ever witness. After the game drive, we return to the camp for a rewarding brunch and then we’ll proceed to Ngorongoro, the 8th wonder of the Natural World. The crater spreads for 102 sq. miles and has 2.000 ft high walls, making it virtually a Noah’s ark and inhabiting almost every species of wildlife that is indigenous to East Africa. It’s one of the very rare locations in the whole continent where you can witness the black Rhino. The crater has a river, several swamps, a soda lake with a great concentration of flamingos, a forest and open plains. It’s also famous for its elephants which, are the largest in the world and have huge tusks. Ngorongoro Crater is truly a Wonder of the Natural World.

You will reach Ngorongoro in time for a sundowner. Possibility to upgrade your accommodation level.

Day 8 Ngorongoro Crater

We will start the day very early and descend into the crater floor for an incredible morning of wildlife in one of the most stunning places on Earth. After the game drive, there will be time for a picnic lunch near the beautiful hippo Lake. After lunch, we will have time for a short game drive and then ascend the crater and exit Ngorongoro Conservation Area towards Arusha. We expect to be back in Arusha around 5pm although we are flexible in case there is a flight to catch or another situation.

Safari Includes

  • All meals and accommodations during the entire safari
  • A very high quality safari land cruiser with pop up roof
  • A highly experienced English speaking safari guide
  • Unlimited mineral water during the entire safari
  • Kilimanjaro tea/coffee during game drive
  • All park fees for all the national parks
  • Transfers on arrival and departure
  • All cultural activities (Maasai village visit)
  • Flying Doctors – Emergence air rescue from any point of the safari circuit

Safari Excludes

  • Visa
  • International flights
  • Drinks at the lodges
  • Any other things not mentioned above