Francoline Adventure

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Our Charitable Project



List of recommended items for gifts;

  1. Most local schools are in dire need of school supplies. Note books, pens, crayons, book bags/small back packs, coloring books, picture-story books, chalk boards & chalk, study posters, are widely appreciated. (These can also be bought in Arusha)
  2. Boarding schools: Mosquito nets, blankets, toothbrushes/paste, soap,  are appreciated
  3. Fun items: Soccer balls, hula hoops, lego, always bring smiles from the young ones!

We insist that gifts be given direct to the children at the school (NOT at the roadside) as this will encourage the children to go to school.  Please contact us if you would like to send in your donation to orphanage centers or if you would like to receive more information on this.

Tanzania Travel Experts, Travel with heart